The Best Diet to Stop Balding and get Strong healthy hair

Life in the Fast Food Lane and their impact on healthy Hair Growth.

America’s fast food culture has driven the country into a rut where life has become one big drive-through! Strong healthy hair needs a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals to nourish the roots and scalp. Diets rich in excessive amounts of fat and no nutrients will only bring on obesity and cholesterol problems. Poor eating habits have been the cause of falling hair, thinning hair and poor growth.
Natural fruits and vegetables have many healing properties to help the body defend against baldness. When the diet consumed has the right amount of trace elements, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, the hair becomes strong enough to withstand attacks made on it.

Testosterone Levels and Baldness

DHT, a hormonal imbalance in testosterone levels, can cause male and female pattern baldness. When individuals consume a diet rich in animal fats, the blood stream releases higher levels of testosterone. Conversely, a low-fat diet results in the release of lower levels of testosterone into the blood stream. Researchers conducted a study on Japanese men who followed a highly westernized diet and found that they encountered problems of hair loss.

The Impact of a Diet Low in Fats on DHT Production

Higher levels of fat trigger increased growth of the oil glands located in the hair follicle. This in turn produces more DHT causing more damage to the hair. For this reason, it was concluded that a diet low in fats could help to reduce the production of DHT and reduce its negative impact on hair growth. Controlling diet in combination with a product to reduce DHT production has proven an effective treatment for hair loss.

The study found that avoiding a westernized diet was one way to prevent baldness. There are many low fat sources of protein such as turkey, chicken, soy and non-fatty fish.
Other products such as fruits, beans, vegetables, legumes and nuts are all beneficial because of the fatty acids they contain, which help to promote hair growth.

The Role of Protein in healthy Hair Growth

The protein intake in American diets is at a pathetically low level. This is one reason why people in some countries have thick hair growth well into old age while Americans suffer from baldness.
Avoiding foods like potatoes, breads and pastas helps to keep insulin levels under control. When we choose to eat pastas and breads, they should be made from whole wheat.
Refined and processed foods are also not healthy options as they lack essential vitamins that promote healthy hair growth.

Do not forget to massage the scalp daily to stimulate blood circulation.