cause of hair loss and how to Overcoming it

The causes of hair loss

Let us begin by understanding what the causes of hair loss are before we tackle the different options available to prevent it.

Alopecia or hair loss is not a new problem,People all through history have battled the problem of falling hair, some more than others. Male or female pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of hair loss. This type of hair loss is related to genetics where baldness is a hereditary problem.

There are other factors such as medical and environmental reasons that cause people start to losing their hair. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist before buying any over-the-counter medications to treat hair loss. Hair loss can occur due to a wide number of medical conditions. To determine what the root cause of the problem is will require a specialist’s attention. Without knowing the cause of the hair loss, no doctor is in a position to prescribe any form of treatment.

The Importance of Dermatologist Consultation in Hair Loss

Dermatologists are trained to provide a range of treatments including natural, cosmetic or medical treatments depending on the cause and severity of the problem. The medical treatment of hair loss has experienced tremendous growth. Drugs are now being marketed that are developed for the causes of hair loss to prevent it from happening. Drug therapies are not the ideal solution for everyone with a hair loss problem. The reason drugs work is because they are aimed at the underlying cause of the hair loss problem.

Natural Therapies for Hair Restoration

The cosmetic therapy segment is also seeing a considerable amount of growth as more people are finding an answer to their problems with this type of treatment. Cosmetic hair replacement is one of the more expensive options to deal with hair loss.
Natural therapies have been in existence for centuries and cover a wide range of ailments including hair loss. Natural therapy is based on the belief that hair loss is a natural condition and such remedies can restore the natural balance of the scalp. These therapies include exercises to increase the flow of blood in the scalp and to the follicles; scalp massages and herbal anti-hair loss remedies among other things.

Some herbal remedies that are popular for treating alopecia include:

• Henna : conditions the hair keeping it healthy and reducing the chance of hair loss. It is an ancient traditional herb that has been in existence for years to treat falling hair.
• Jojoba oil is another herbal remedy that successfully treats various skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis as well as dandruff.