11 Activities To celebrate Valentine’s Day at Homes  SIMPLE & FUN

Embracing Valentine’s Day in your homeschooling routine doesn’t have to be a daunting task, especially if you’re aiming for simplicity and enjoyment rather than overwhelming complexity. As a mom, finding a balance between creating special memories and avoiding burnout is crucial.

Here are some ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day that are both simple and fun, allowing you to customize your celebration to suit your family’s preferences and needs :

1 / Write a Note to All of Your Kids

Continuing a heartfelt tradition, consider writing a love note to each of your children and leaving it on their beds. This small gesture of affirmation can create lasting memories without adding stress. Alternatively, you can stick paper hearts on their bedroom doors, either all at once or gradually leading up to Valentine’s Day.

2 / Study the History of Valentine’s Day

Delve into the origin of Valentine’s Day as a homeschool lesson. Tailor the depth of the study based on your children’s ages, using available resources like The History of Valentine’s Day Activities or a free Valentine’s Day Unit Study.

3 / Create Gifts for Loved Ones

Explore various simple and affordable Valentine’s Day gifts that kids can create, such as thumbprint heart magnets, love bug candy, or Valentine’s Day poppers. Personalized homemade gifts add a special touch to the celebration.

4 / Create Heart Cards

For younger children, engage in a craft activity by creating heart-shaped cards. Encourage them to write letters expressing love to siblings, grandparents, or other loved ones. Templates for heart cards are readily available, making it an easy and enjoyable addition to your homeschool day.

5 / Share Family Love Stories

Take advantage of the day to share love stories within the family. Share how you and your spouse met, or recount the love story of grandparents. It’s a heartwarming way to connect and celebrate the essence of Valentine’s Day.

6 / Bake Valentine’s Day Treats

Incorporate Valentine’s Day into your homeschool routine by baking treats like sugar cookies, marbled Valentine sugar cookies, or red velvet sugar cookies. This is a delightful way to blend learning and fun.

7 / Have a Love-Themed Poetry Tea Time

Celebrate the day of love with a love-themed poetry tea time. If you baked some Valentine’s Day treats, this could be the perfect occasion to enjoy them as you gather around to read and share sonnets.

8 /Do a Valentine’s Day Craft

For those who enjoy crafts, consider engaging your kids in Valentine’s Day-themed crafts. Options range from yarn hearts and heart tissue paper sun catchers to sensory bottles, catering to both glitter-loving and glitter-averse moms.

9 / Do a Valentine’s Science Experiment

Capture the interest of science enthusiasts by incorporating Valentine’s Day into STEM activities. From blooming hearts to floating dry erase markers and dancing hearts, these experiments can add an educational twist to the celebration.

10 / Spend Quality Time Together

Ultimately, the most precious gift you can give your children is your undivided attention. Snuggle together and read a book, play a game, or watch a movie. The simple act of spending quality time can be the most meaningful expression of love.

11 / Serve Others

Encourage your children to learn the value of love in action by engaging in acts of service. Whether it’s gifting groceries, babysitting, or doing chores for another family, fostering a spirit of kindness and compassion can be a powerful lesson.


Whether you choose to fill the day with crafts and baking or spend it serving in your community, Valentine’s Day in your homeschool can be a unique and meaningful experience. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, but the day provides an opportunity to learn important lessons about love and its various expressions. Whether you celebrate it elaborately or keep it simple, the key is to make it enjoyable for both you and your children.